When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Desember 04, 2017

Gosh! It's been 11 days since my last post.  Actually, I had a project with a tight deadline in the past 11 days, so I can't reach this blog. Now, I want to write about that project. Here we go! 

I got the project from LINE group. My friend told me that his supervisor needs 4 surveyors and it is not unfulfilled yet. Then, I contact the supervisor and asking whether she needs more surveyor or not. She replied me that she needs one more and ask me back if I want to join or not. Luckily, I said yes. That is how I got this project! Hehe.

The project is about the existence of street hawker (PKL/Pedagang Kaki Lima) in Jogja. The aim of the project is to know the total street hawkers and review if they have met the regulations or not. My duty is to mapping the street hawker that take place in pedestrians and then analyze if they meet the requirements to sell there and also conduct an interview in each street where the street hawker be. We were given 7 days to finish this project but in the fact, we need 10 days to finish it due to heavy rain that occurs in entire Jogja. .

What can I say that this job was super fun yet challenging! At the beginning, you must take a photo of all street hawkers. After you finish it, you must analyze with the indicators that have been set before, one by one. And you know what? In my site, they are 300+ street hawkers! It means I must analyze all of them, of course, one by one. Haha, guess I'll die~ If you were done, export the data to ArcGIS and start to make a map. Then, for the most challenging part is to conduct an interview with them. You know, sometimes you got a rejection because of they afraid that you will evict them. So, I always say that I come from UGM and the interview is a part of a research. Yes, it almost works every time.

Street Hawkers in Senopati Street (Titik 0 Malioboro)
From this project, I got an opportunity to interview many street hawkers and it gives me lesson learned. Most of them tell me about their life. I meet dropout kid and also a husband that his wife makes affairs behind him. But, instead of being sad, they choose to struggle and continue their life though it seems hard. They want to do anything to make their family happy.

From their stories, i learn that

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

If you fail, get up stronger.  You only live once. So, let be grateful for our life.

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